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     In 2002 the Management of the company EL EOOD adopted a resolution for introduction of a Quality Management System EN ISO 9001:2008.

     The initial certification took place on 26.11.2002 by “Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance”.

     The company was successfully re-certified on 01.12.2005, 31.11.2008 and 11.12.2009.

     By introducing Quality Management System EN ISO 9001:2008 complex management of processes related to the company’s activity is achieved.

     On 15.04.2008 EL EOOD was certified by “Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance” in accordance the workplace health and safety management system BS ÎÍSŔS 18001:2007 .

     By introducing this system the company implements work health and safety, while minimizing or eliminating risks at work.

     As an expression of responsibility to protect the environment now and for future generations, the Management of the company EL EOOD decided in 2010 to introduce a environmental management system ISO 14001:2004.

     On 21.03.2010, the EL EOOD was certified by “Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance” in accordance with environmental management system ISO 14001:2004.

     With the introduction of the system, the company achieved its economic goals and objectives related to conservation and development environment and compliance with increasingly stringent regulations.

     The company EL EOOD successfully integrated three systems into a single quality, safety and environmental management system.

     The company EL EOOD was entered in the “Central Register of Professional Builders” in the following groups:

  • group one: high constructions, its adjoining infrastructure, electronic communication networks and facilities;
  • group three: energy infrastructure constructions
     The company EL EOOD is a member of the "Ruse Chamber of Industry and Commerce".